Form-O-Fill Tutorials


This list contains all tutorials for Form-O-Fill available.

All of these tutorials are live tutorials meaning they will overwrite your existing rules should you already use Form-O-Fill.

Please take care and export your rules from inside the options panel before starting a tutorial.

Tour 1: Extracting rules

Learn to extract rules from an already filled form.

Click to view tour 1.

Tour 2: Using rules

Learn how to use rules saved in Form-O-Fill.

Explains that you'll get when you click the browser button which executes Form-O-Fill.

Click to view tour 2.

Tour 3: Value function 101

This tutorial expains the basics of using value functions.

What is a value function? What parameters can a value function use?

Click to view tour 3.

Tour 4: Before function 101

This tutorial expains the basics of preparing data even before the rule execution starts.

What uses do before functions have? When are they executed? How to request remote URLs as data?

Learn more: View tour 4.

Tour 5: Using build-in libraries

Form-O-Fill includes two libraries: chance.js and moment.js for creating random data or handling dates.

In this tutorial we will use both in value- and before functions.

More at tour 5.

Tour 6: Clicking on things

You can use Form-O-Fill to click on things.

This enables you to submit forms or activate javscript triggers. Here you will learn how this clicking on things works.

More at tour 6.

Tour 7: Workflows

Form-O-Fill can not only fill a single form but can also chain multiple rules together.

This allows you to build automation for complete form processes spanning multiple webpages.

Check out tour 7.

Tour 8: Custom libraries

If chance.js and moment.js aren't enough you can write your own libraries.

Custom libraries can be used in before and value functions.

Learn about custom libraries in tour 8.

Tour 9: Context object

The context object contains information and functions to make rule decisions easier.

You can even save and load values between workflow steps.

Learn about the context object in tour 9.

Tour 10: Asking for input

In this quick tutorial you can see how to use basic JS features to ask for input in a before rules.

Learn about it in tour 10.

Tour 11: Sharing rules

Once you have defined a rule you might want to repeat the same field definitions in another rule.

You can share field definitions with the 'shared rules' feature.

See it at work in tour 11.